Relationship Coaching
The Center for Healthy Relationships (CPR) at the Whittaker Institute for Success and Enrichment (WISE) assists individuals and couples in getting the most out of their relationships. If you desire to obtain healthy relationships, or make a good relationship great, our relationship coaching services are for you! We stand by your side and equip you with the necessary tools to obtain, maintain, and enhance the relationships in your life. We also provide relationship coaching to singles in preparation for dating, to premarital couples, and to married couples. Additionally, we can provide recovery coaching for pornography and love addiction. As part of the coaching process, we often employ tools and approaches such as assessments, couple strengthening exercises. We also offer relationship skill building for singles, premarital education, marriage checkups, relationship events, conferences, and couple retreats.
Benefits of Relationship Coaching
Through the use of assessments like the DISC or the PREPARE/ENRICH, we pinpoint potential strength and growth areas in your relationships as well as address potential personality differences that could impact your relationship.
Benefits of Relationship Coaching
- Stronger Relationships
- Healthier Relationships
- Successful Marriages
- Happier Couples
- Better Communication
- Decreased Conflict
- Singles Coaching - prepares singles to have healthy dating relationships later on (if they choose to date)
Through the use of assessments like the DISC or the PREPARE/ENRICH, we pinpoint potential strength and growth areas in your relationships as well as address potential personality differences that could impact your relationship.
Relationship Coaching Programs and Services
Check out the programs and services below. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. If you're ready to get started, here are the 3 steps to follow: (1) Acknowledge that you've reviewed and accepted the Terms of Service; (2) Complete and submit the online intake form; (3) go to the Contact Us page to contact us and schedule your first session.

Single – Investing in Me & Preparing for Dating ($150/session.)
If you’re interested in being in a relationship at any point in your life, one of the best investments you can make is in yourself. Investing in yourself is one of the best ways to positively impact your future. It’s not unusual for someone to attend college and spend between $50,000 and $120,000 on a college education as they invest in their education. It’s not unusual for people to take out a 30-year mortgage for a house and “invest” $150, 000 - $350,000 on a home. Yet, when thinking about your personal future, your spouse and children, most people don’t make a true investment in preparing for the most important aspect of their lives and their most important relationship.
If you want to ensure that your most important relationship is all that you want it to be, the place to start is by investing yourself so that you can be your very best you and then develop the skills, knowledge, and tools to prepare for dating your ideal spouse. Years from now when you look back at the moment you decided to invest in yourself, you’ll be so glad that you did. Great relationships don’t happen by accident. . . . They happen on purpose. Prepare for the most important aspects of your future. Invest in yourself, be intentional!!
If you’re interested in being in a relationship at any point in your life, one of the best investments you can make is in yourself. Investing in yourself is one of the best ways to positively impact your future. It’s not unusual for someone to attend college and spend between $50,000 and $120,000 on a college education as they invest in their education. It’s not unusual for people to take out a 30-year mortgage for a house and “invest” $150, 000 - $350,000 on a home. Yet, when thinking about your personal future, your spouse and children, most people don’t make a true investment in preparing for the most important aspect of their lives and their most important relationship.
If you want to ensure that your most important relationship is all that you want it to be, the place to start is by investing yourself so that you can be your very best you and then develop the skills, knowledge, and tools to prepare for dating your ideal spouse. Years from now when you look back at the moment you decided to invest in yourself, you’ll be so glad that you did. Great relationships don’t happen by accident. . . . They happen on purpose. Prepare for the most important aspects of your future. Invest in yourself, be intentional!!

Dating Couples – Getting to Know You ($150/session)
As couples start the dating relationship, it’s important the relationship continue to be fulfilling and nurturing. Some people are willing to just let their relationship drift like a raft in a river, without steering toward any specific destination or without any concern about the rapids or potential dangers just beyond the cliff. However, there are others that want to ensure that their relationship continues to be a supportive, nurturing, partnership where trust and love flourish.
In the Getting to Know You program you’ll learn to communicate in a way that builds trust and enhances closeness. You’ll learn how to build on the strengths of your relationship to enhance it, while also using some of those strengths, where appropriate, to enhance growth areas. Most of all you’ll learn the tools and skills to sustain a healthy relationship.
As couples start the dating relationship, it’s important the relationship continue to be fulfilling and nurturing. Some people are willing to just let their relationship drift like a raft in a river, without steering toward any specific destination or without any concern about the rapids or potential dangers just beyond the cliff. However, there are others that want to ensure that their relationship continues to be a supportive, nurturing, partnership where trust and love flourish.
In the Getting to Know You program you’ll learn to communicate in a way that builds trust and enhances closeness. You’ll learn how to build on the strengths of your relationship to enhance it, while also using some of those strengths, where appropriate, to enhance growth areas. Most of all you’ll learn the tools and skills to sustain a healthy relationship.

Engaged Couples – Enjoying Today & Preparing for Tomorrow Together ($150/session)
For couples who have moved beyond the dating phase and are now engaged, it’s important that the key aspects of the relationship that provided nurturing and support, continue to do so. In the Enjoying today & Preparing for Tomorrow Together program the two of you will clarify your strength and growth areas. You’ll develop skills and tools that you can use to help sustain a loving, supporting marriage. You’ll also learn the truth behind what successful, long-term married couples know and what allows their marriages to thrive.
The program will also help you navigate and negotiate the stress-packed wedding ceremony preparation. Planning for the ceremony is typically stressful, even for those couples who have the best wedding planners. The Enjoying today & Preparing for Tomorrow Together program incorporates the tools to help ensure that you have a great marriage, not just a great wedding ceremony. This program covers all the major areas of premarital preparation. If you’re willing to do the work and willing to use the tools and skills that you learn in this program, the passion, joy, and love of the honeymoon can continue. By being intentional regarding your future, you can enjoy today and prepare for great tomorrow together.
For couples who have moved beyond the dating phase and are now engaged, it’s important that the key aspects of the relationship that provided nurturing and support, continue to do so. In the Enjoying today & Preparing for Tomorrow Together program the two of you will clarify your strength and growth areas. You’ll develop skills and tools that you can use to help sustain a loving, supporting marriage. You’ll also learn the truth behind what successful, long-term married couples know and what allows their marriages to thrive.
The program will also help you navigate and negotiate the stress-packed wedding ceremony preparation. Planning for the ceremony is typically stressful, even for those couples who have the best wedding planners. The Enjoying today & Preparing for Tomorrow Together program incorporates the tools to help ensure that you have a great marriage, not just a great wedding ceremony. This program covers all the major areas of premarital preparation. If you’re willing to do the work and willing to use the tools and skills that you learn in this program, the passion, joy, and love of the honeymoon can continue. By being intentional regarding your future, you can enjoy today and prepare for great tomorrow together.

Married Couples – Marriage Recharge ($150/session)
Marriage is a wonderful relationship that’s meant to last a lifetime. However, over time it’s not unusual for your marriage to have ups and downs. But, if your marriage hasn’t continued to be all that you wanted, there are skills and tools that can help you to recharge your marriage.
In the Marriage Recharge program you’ll identify your strengths and growth areas, identify current and potential areas of challenge and conflict, and identify areas of satisfaction in the relationship that will be part of the process of making the relationship even better. You’ll also gain the knowledge and skills that long-term, successfully married couples use to ensure that their marriages continue to be supportive, intimate, and loving for a lifetime.
Successful marriages don’t happen by accident. Couples who are willing to learn what makes a successful marriage and willing to put that information into practice in their homes on a daily basis, can have the joyful, loving, fulfilling, marriage of their dreams. Your marriage is worth the effort. If your marriage is low on vitality, plug in to the Marriage Recharge program. You’ll be glad you did.
Marriage is a wonderful relationship that’s meant to last a lifetime. However, over time it’s not unusual for your marriage to have ups and downs. But, if your marriage hasn’t continued to be all that you wanted, there are skills and tools that can help you to recharge your marriage.
In the Marriage Recharge program you’ll identify your strengths and growth areas, identify current and potential areas of challenge and conflict, and identify areas of satisfaction in the relationship that will be part of the process of making the relationship even better. You’ll also gain the knowledge and skills that long-term, successfully married couples use to ensure that their marriages continue to be supportive, intimate, and loving for a lifetime.
Successful marriages don’t happen by accident. Couples who are willing to learn what makes a successful marriage and willing to put that information into practice in their homes on a daily basis, can have the joyful, loving, fulfilling, marriage of their dreams. Your marriage is worth the effort. If your marriage is low on vitality, plug in to the Marriage Recharge program. You’ll be glad you did.