Emotional intimacy is a level of interaction that allows a couple to be truly close. Emotional intimacy provides each person with some very special benefits that would not be possible without this important component. Emotional intimacy is a state of being in the relationship in which you can comfortably share your true feelings and emotions. You can be yourself. This may sound like something that all “good” relationship would have, but this aspect is missing in many dating and marriage relationships.
But before emotional intimacy can be developed, boundaries have to be established, honored, and respected. Honoring boundaries is not something that happens overnight. Once your spouse has developed and shared their boundaries with you, they will be able to determine over time if their boundaries have been honored and respected. If your spouse is able to see that you have honored and respected their boundaries, usually over a long period of time, and if you are able to see that your spouse has honored and respected your boundaries over time, then you have true emotional safety in the relationship. Once you have true safety, then emotional intimacy can occur. People don’t talk much about boundaries, but if you want to ever have emotional intimacy in your relationship boundaries are vital, because boundaries are the precursor to intimacy.
Today’s passionate relationship principle (PRP) is this: Boundaries are the Precursor to Intimacy
Dr. Simon Whittaker – The Relationship Doctor at Center for Passionate Relationships (CPR)
#boundaries, #intimacy