So, what is domestic violence? Well, in the State of North Carolina this is what constitutes domestic violence: “ Under North Carolina law, domestic violence is ‘the attempt by one person to injure, stalk or rape another person with whom he has an intimate relationship’." 1 Every year In the United States 1/3 of the female homicide victims, were women who were killed by an intimate partner. 1
If you’re in a domestic violence situation and want help, call 911 or, in the Greensboro, NC area, contact the Family Victims' Unit, at 336-373-2331. If you’re in any other area of the U.S. and need help, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
Domestic violence situations are often characterized by abusive acts used to exert power or control over another person. Typically, there will be issues of power and control in the relationship before an act of domestic violence occurs. 1
Here are some ways in which acts of power and control may be exhibited in a relationship (since the aggressor/abuser is typically male, you’ll notice the use of gender specific wording below) 2:
Trying to intimidate her
Using the children to hurt her emotionally (e.g. threatening to take the children away)
Using emotional abuse tactics (e.g. name calling, humiliation)
Treating her less than because she’s female (male privilege)
Isolating her (controlling who she can see and what she can do, especially isolation from family, friends, and support)
Controlling the money as a means to control her
He denies that his behavior is abusive
Using threats to control her
Questions and Actions
Do you know of anyone in a relationship characterized by domestic violence? If so, are you going to share information and resources with them to help them?
Today’s passionate relationship principle (PRP) is this: Love Doesn’t Hurt (Pt. 2).
Dr. Simon Whittaker – The Relationship Doctor at Center for Passionate Relationships (CPR)
1 Police Department, City of Greensboro, NC. (n.d.). Domestic Violence. Retrieved October28, 2014, from
2 Police Department, City of Greensboro, NC. (n.d.). Power and Control Wheel. Retrieved October28, 2014, from