Tuesday, 9/29/2015 Teleconference - Center for Passionate Relationships
The Passionate Relationship Principle (PRP) for the Tuesday, 9/29/2015 teleconference is a continuation of our previous principle: Good listening is a prerequisite to good communication.
o In a previous session we talked about the 4 types of listening:
• Pretend Listening (pretending your listening and paying attention)
• Listening (paying attention and being able to get the gist of what your partner is saying)
• Active Listening (following along with what your partner is saying and being ask appropriate questions)
• Empathic Listening (being aware of your partner’s emotions)
During the teleconference, we’ll focus on Listening and the simple math involved in this communication equation.
We’ll be discussing this in the teleconference today, Tuesday, 9/29/2015 from 12pm-12:20pm (EST). An audio recording will be made of the conference call. It will be available on Facebook and also at http://www.centerforpassionaterelationships.com/podcasts.html
To connect to the conference call at 12pm EST. Follow the steps below:
1. Call 1-302-202-1108 This is the conference calling phone number. It’s not toll free. But, there are no extra charges, only what you phone provider charges for you to make the call.
2. Enter conference code: 959831
Helpful codes while on the teleconference:
4* - this mutes and unmutes your line (very helpful if your phone doesn’t have a mute function)
5* - This lets the host know that you want to ask a question
- Dr. Simon Whittaker - Relationship and Recovery Coach at Whittaker Institute's Center for Passionate Relationships (CPR).
#CommuinicationInMarriage, #lovecpr