When I go to get dressed in the morning, I'm used to seeing them, and ignoring them, and skipping over them, and finding a shirt that I actually want to wear. I know, when I hear myself say that out loud it sounds crazy.
It's time to start thinking about spring cleaning. At the end of March I'll share a little about what I've gotten rid of. Some of the things in my closet will be hard to let go of, but I know it's time to get rid of them. Getting rid of some of those items will probably have an emotional impact on me.
Relationships also need to be examined to see what things may need to change to enhance the partnership. I'm thankful for God has given me such an awesome wife, and the opportunity to examine things in the relationship that no longer fit us. Then we can be even happier, and I can continue to grow in learning to be emotionally present and emotionally intimate. This is tough stuff, especially for men. But, the marriage is worth it, and the beautiful woman God has given me deserves it.